Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Solar Trees

Envision Solar designs, develops, and installs Solar Trees™ in parking lots. The advantages are many. One tree generates 17,000 kW hours per year, enough electricity to power three typical homes. The next generation Solar Tree™ will be larger, will use more advanced Kyocera photovoltaic modules, and will generate over 30,000 kW hours annually. The trees are silent, clean, shady, virtually maintenance free, and generate environmental goodwill for the owner.

A Kyocera Solar Grove™ of Solar Trees™, with existing solar incentives, can pay for itself in as little as five years. And Solar Trees™ are easier to install than roof-mounted photovoltaic systems. Solar Trees™ at Google's Mountain View HQ location generate approximately 30% of the power required for the campus.

Solar Trees designed for smaller buildings and homes are in development. A Solar Tree kit might enable a do-it-yourselfer to transform a carport into a small power plant.

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