Sunday, November 4, 2007

Energy Management Systems

Wikipedia defines an Energy Management Systems as, "a system to control, monitor, and optimize the generation and flow of Electric Power." Founded in 2002, San Diego-based P&E Automation is a leader in the EMS field. P&E provides consulting services for: energy audits, energy conservation engineering, feasibility studies for solar & co-generation power production, LEED certification, measurement & verification, and systems integration. Past P&E projects include energy use analysis, designing conservation systems, integration, installation, commissioning, and marketing campaigns for energy management technologies.

P&E has also created a web-based EMS Suite focused on facility Intelligence. Their most recent product is EnergyConsole, an end-to-end hosted EMS that provides building automation, optimization, energy accounting, and equipment diagnostics for commercial, industrial, and government facilities. EnergyConsole will also aggregate and summarize information for geographically dispersed facilities.

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