Saturday, September 22, 2007

SunCone Solar Power

Open Energy Corporation (OTC BB) develops and sells a number of renewable energy systems including photo voltaic roofing tiles, glass, and membranes. Open Energy's first product, SunCone (TM), is the most interesting. It uses an optical cone to concentrate sunlight onto rods at the base of the cone. The reflective cone stays cool while the liquid flowing through the rods is super heated, generates steam, and turns a turbine. This solar technology promises to cost less to build, operate, and maintain than existing parabolic trough or dish type systems. Initial testing of the first SolarCone prototype was successful and commercialization is underway.

The concept drawing does not include a tracking motor to keep the system aimed at the sun. Melvin Prueitt, the SunCone's inventor, will work out these details.

Open Energy is headquartered in Del Mar, California, walking distance from the horse track. I bet that Open Energy has a bright future.

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