Saturday, September 22, 2007

Stainless steel is clean technology.

Stainless steel, sometimes called corrosion-resistant steel, is clean technology. Wholefoods sells a stainless steel refillable water bottle (SSRWB). Amazon offers dozens of makes and models. Think of the savings in natural capital if everyone carried a SSRWB. Hundreds of billions of plastic water bottles that would never be created, filled, capped, wrapped, boxed, shipped, shelved, sold, bagged, uncapped, and recycled, or trashed.

Stainless steel is resistant to oxidation because it contains between 13% and 26% chromium. Chromium forms a surface passivation layer that quickly reforms when the surface is scratched.

Stainless steel lasts for generations, is non-toxic, is low-maintenance, is easy to clean, and is relatively inexpensive. Its also lustrous. And according to wikipedia, "Stainless steel is 100% recyclable. In fact, an average stainless steel object is composed of about 60% recycled material, 25% originating from end-of-life products and 35% coming from manufacturing processes."

I'm going to get my Indian guide nation to decree plasticware as verboten, and mandate that each brave and dad invest in a stainless steel dinner kit.

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